Sunday 17 May 2009

So far, so good

All's well in the garden.

Beans are planted out - French, Borlotti and Runners.  We've put netting all round the bed to keep out marauding cats.  No space in the patch for the sugarsnap peas and mangetout - spare wigwams have gone in the sunny border.

Tomatoes and chillies are thriving in the greenhouse.

A real mix of sunshine and rain this week has meant everything's been growing while we watch it - herbs and salad are abundant and green and the chard is glossy and colourful.  Took the PSB out yesterday - it's really not done badly considering it was ravaged by caterpillars last year - every mouthful was a bonus!  Overwintering onions are plumping up nicely, a few more weeks and they'll be ready to harvest.

Oh, and the weeds are growing well too.

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